This week I interpreted simultaneously lectures by Politecnico di Torino professors at Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas for Rosneft employees on a popular topic of energy efficiency and renewables and learned a lot of new and curious things. After five days I feel that I’ve become a specialist myself.
EAGE courses on seismic attributes, geostatistics and deepwater sedimentary systems (13-17 November)
This week I interpreted simultaneously EAGE (European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers) courses on seismic attributes, geostatistics and deepwater sedimentary systems. It was really hard but very interesting! And now two weeks of preparation and a week of work are left behind; the translation was not ideal but everyone was happy and that’s what matters in the end. Now I can relax and feel glad about great new knowledge I aquired: it has been a great experience! I would like to thank the organizers for trust and support.
For more details please see
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Weekly session of the Board of Rosbank
Today I interpreted simultaneously using “Sheptalo” portable equipment at a weekly session of the Board of Rosbank. It should be noted that such interpreting – without a booth, interpreter’s headphones and microphones for speakers – causes special difficulty since an interpreter does not always hear well especially if he or she sits not at a round table together with speakers but at a distance from it. Continue reading “Weekly session of the Board of Rosbank”
Session of the Eurasian Peoples’ Assembly in the Civic Chamber of the Russian Federation
Today I interpreted simultaneously at a session of the Eurasian Peoples’ Assembly in the Civic Chamber of the Russian Federation. The session covered a wide range of topics, including setting up various Councils, cultural projects aimed at keeping peace and harmony between peoples of Eurasia, exchange of experience, etc. Continue reading “Session of the Eurasian Peoples’ Assembly in the Civic Chamber of the Russian Federation”