
Higher Education

2002-2007 – Moscow State Lomonosov University (MSU), Faculty of Philology, Department of the Theory and Practice of Translation; qualification of a philologist, teacher, translator. Fluent English, second language – German, intermediate level, basic knowledge of Italian

2010 – Skill development program on consecutive translation in Moscow International School of Translation and Interpreting

2012 – Simultaneous Interpreting Program focused on oil and gas field

2019 – Skill development program Cultural and professional competences of an interpreter: the innovative model in the modern labour market conditions

2020 – English-Russian simultaneous interpreting course by Andrey Falaleyev, AIIC, 1st and 2nd modules and 1st module of Russian-English course

Participant, speaker and session moderator at Global Dialogue International Forum of Conference Interpreters (2017-2021), Ukrainian Translation Industry Conference UTIC 2020 and 20201, Contact conference for interpreters and translators (2021); organizer of RSI (remote simultaneous interpreting) webinars for conference interpreters and business; moderator of the RSI session at Translation Forum Russia 2020


Consecutive/conference (simultaneous) interpreting/whispering
Interpreting Languages:  Russian (native) <> English

Particular experience in 

Oil and gas, science, technologies, power industry
Banking, economics, accounting, consulting
Advertising and marketing
Medical and pharma
Education, culture, travel, sport
Fashion and beauty

14 years of experience in conference interpretation and translation

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