From 16 to 21 April I took part in Cooperation Simulation Exercise on Nuclear Security COSINUS II in Dushanbe, Tajikistan. The Simulation Exercise was held in the NRSA (Nuclear Radiation Safety Agency) training centre. The exercise brought together participants from Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan. Within the framework of this simulation all participants were divided into 5 teams and 2 fictional countries and had to timely respond to coming messages on nuclear security threads. The simulation exercise was an absolute success: all teams performed outstandingly and all the participants outlined the relevance of such type of training. As a result, the order has been restored and criminals and hazardous cargos detained. The training used the services of 5 interpreters (one for each team) who translated incoming e-mails, communication with master-team and response e-mails from their teams to various agencies.